SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are encryption protocols that enable secure communication as it travels over the Internet. The terms are often used interchangeably but technically TLS is the modern standard we all use. This type of encryption is best at protecting our data from being intercepted by unauthorized third parties.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a combination of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and SSL/TLS. It is the secure version of HTTP that uses SSL/TLS to encrypt all communications between a web browser and a web server.

When a user visits a website that uses HTTPS, the browser and the server will first exchange cryptographic keys. These keys will be used to encrypt all subsequent communications between the two parties. This ensures that any data that is sent, such as passwords or credit card numbers, cannot be intercepted.

The use of HTTPS is common but you should still watch for websites that don’t use it, usually indicated to the left of the website address with a red warning. This is especially important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as banking websites and e-commerce websites.

Here are some of the benefits of using HTTPS:

  • It protects sensitive information from being intercepted by unauthorized third parties.
  • It helps to build trust with website visitors.
  • It can improve search engine rankings.
  • It can help to prevent phishing attacks.

If you are running a website, I recommend that you switch to HTTPS as soon as possible. It is a simple and effective way to improve the security of your website and protect your visitors’ data. Because of all of the above reasons, search engines like Google will penalize websites that do not use it. Search engines do not want to send people to insecure or dangerous websites since it could hurt their reputation.

I hope this helps!